Friday, October 5, 2012

Who Drank All the KOOL-Aid?

What’s up people?

For the first time in a very long time, I must say it sure does feel good that the weekend is finally here. My RESPECTS goes out to the lives and families of those who suffered a massive loss in the senseless attack that killed at least 25 Nigerian students at a college residence this week. I mean we as a nation have truly gone MAD and more disturbing is the idea that people are growing numb everyday to all the random acts of violence in our communities. I mean are we that lawless, unsophisticated and highly vexed that we only know how to communicate or express our frustrations and needs by assaulting the lives of innocent bystanders in order to get attention? And since when did it become a Nigerian custom that we must now mark our country’s annual Independence Day festivities with mass murders. WTF! As my Hausa bredrens would say it back home, “Dam Baro Ba Walayi” Anyways; anybody catch the presidential debate this week? Hmmmmmmmmm; I do not do politics so am going to leave that one alone.  
Ok people; Let me get focused…

Last week I made a proclamation to you all that I would resume to the heart and basis of why I started my blogspot and you know what, I am going to say some things in the coming weeks that some will agree with and others will consider ignorant. Quite frankly, “NO DISRESPECT” but I do not take part nor promote BITCHASSNESS behaviors. Many of you all already know the history of African neo-colonialism but who knew that 500 years later the entire continent of AFRICA aspires to be and remains inferior to its colonizers.
Of all the scientific studies and extensive research conducted over the years, I truly wish someone would get inside our African brains and explore why and how we became conditioned to accept that we were not good enough nor could we measure up to those men who gutted and reeked terror on our soil many years ago. In Nigeria like so many other African nations it is common practice that the white man’s word is GOLD. Case in point I still find this so comical; back in 2008 Nigeria international Peter Odemwingie famously declared “Oyinbo na Oyinbo”, If you do not know what this Nigerian saying translates to, it simply means “The White Man Knows BEST”. A home based Nigerian coach had marched the troops towards a successful qualifying bid for the world cup all to have him been unceremoniously sacked for a European so called “Technical Expert”. Why you may ask? Well everybody in the country was drinking that “white man’s kool-aid” that had them so convinced that a European coach would prove to be more successful but only to be bounced from the tournament in the first round and barely securing one point before they were sent home packing.

Look I got crazy love for all types of people and color is not what draws nor deters me from getting to know people on a personal level. There are many talented people amongst us of varying nationalities, ethnicities and racial make-up but to just concede or defer to someone solely based on their color and perceived superiority should never happen. It is simply ASININE. I am not looking to bash groups of people who do not look like me, if anything I love to learn from all types of people and take something that I their deem a strength and try to apply it into my existence.

The point am trying to make is there are no VICTIMS in the system only VOLUTEERS. So we as Africans must not think it is acceptable nor in our best interest to willingly trust outsiders more than our kind unless when it is warranted. We worship the light-skinned complexion and straight hair of others that often we find no beauty in what we were given and born with. The idea of allowing someone to totally humiliate and disrespect you in your native land and run things all for the sake of believing you will be made a part of their community is wishful and backwards thinking.

Reclaim your Dignity.

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.