Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mr. Prudential

What’s really good people?

WELP it is the end of summer now that the Labor Day weekend is here. NFL and College Football kick-off this weekend so its time to get into the fantasy football lab and start putting in work for the Summa Jam screen. Wait a minute where did the summer go in the first place? Hmmmmmm; WORLD CUP, EBOLA & FERGUSON there go your summer I guess. Now onto my favorite time of the year FALL which means sweaters and pea coats. Oya; let’s go!

(S/O) Maaaaaaa-rio Welcome to LFC. YNWA!

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P
Ok people; let me get focused…

This week I want help bring attention and highlight what we do with our money. Many of us apply the income and money we generate onto things like our homes, vehicles, food, clothing and many a vice, some we can share openly and others we take to our grave. What we need to learn more of and can start looking into better is how to make our money make money for us.  One person who has taking the lead on this particular idea is Prudential Financial Professional Mr. Odell Daye.

Recently I had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Daye programs and packages available with Prudential that we the general public are unaware and can make provisions in order to maximize the mighty dollar. One critical point covered by the Prudential professional is that it is never too late to start investing your money into portfolios outside of a traditional bank. Now getting to and making such a decision will require four critical steps:
1.      Evaluate your current financial needs & goals
2.      Develop a strategy to address them
3.      Periodically review your needs and goals, and adjust your strategies to help meet your financial goals at each of your life stages
4.      Collaborative work with your professional advisor

All that is required is a commitment to planning for both your short & long term future personally and professionally. There are many qualified and experienced financial professionals in the field that you can connect with to get started and begin your journey to savings and investment. Why not contact mine at or check out his website at for more information. I am sure you will be more than satisfied with his customer services and ability to answer many of your questions. So there you have it folks gone are the days of putting money under your mattress or child’s piggy bank as your retirement plan.

It is all about the IRAs, Mutual Funds, 529 & 401K.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


What’s really good people?

These simple English words are terms I just don’t get down with in my vocabulary i.e. fads, trends, & pop-culture. I like to use a more direct term like D**k Ridin’ especially with all the attention seeking behavior I have witnessed with this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge the past several weeks. Hold up; let’s back up for a second, I am totally for raising awareness and raising money for anything to combat illness, hunger, stopping wars, etc. My issue is watching people do something without doing their homework just for show to post on his/her social media timeline all in the name of “Attention Seeking”. I actually like some of the challenges and would have to say former US President George W. Bush had the best video thus far. Now the reason you will never catch the “P Man” do any challenges whatsoever is because I spent my primary school years growing up in Nigeria without any running hot water. The is the beauty of having options in life; when I had to boil water in order to take showers in the morning for school I don’t recall anybody promoting any ice bucket challenges on social media back then so why now would I want to volunteer for something my bones have yet to recover from all these years. SMH. Oya; let’s go!  

(S/O) SUPER BIG Happy B-Day Love to my partner for life IYA Adira!

(S/O) Happy B-day to my boy Hov.

(S/O) To the Falconets of Naija in the women’s Under 20 World Cup final.

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P
Ok people; let me get focused…

So today at dinner with my “black family” (HILARIOUS because this is what my brother J coins it) we got to talking about our childhood a little bit. Now have you ever noticed how some people claim to remember things from their childhood as early as when they came out of their mother’s womb and others such as myself can’t remember a thing as far back as yesterday? Why is that you say? Well the therapist in my “black family” was able to use her clinical training and connected it to childhood trauma. I don’t necessarily agree with her assessment but I also will not discount it either. One thing for certain is getting flogged & caned  in Naija’s old skool way of corporal punishment will most definitely create and cause some trauma in the life of a young person.

Truth is why do some of us love our childhood and why do others hate it? We can love it to the point that we want to recreate something similar for our own seeds or loath it enough that we do everything in our power to distance ourselves from the horror. Some of us that claim to have a perfect childhood and upbringing at times seem lost in their development as young adults while those of us that experienced pain and suffering use those encounters to fuel our success as men/women.

So I got to thinking good or bad, fun or misery our childhood like it or not and no matter how much we might try to shy from it as grown-ups, we all rely on it and use it to help establish our ethos on some level. The dreams and ambitions we hold on to as children often lead to many of our successes as well as the catastrophy that plague the minds and carry them into a very dark place.

Am I wrong...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Blame Game

What’s really good people?

Yup; starting to get that old feeling back again yall and the “P Man” must keep this thing going. ALL Da WAY – No DELAY noni. Football season officially kicks-off tomorrow and it is time for my Liverpool Football Club (LFC) to deliver a trophy o. YNWA! In other news this suicide & depression thing is serious people. I don’t like when life drama only make news because some celebrity fell victim in the game of life. I have been a proponent of getting help when facing demons that seem insurmountable to overcome since the inception of my blogspot. Please talk to somebody, listen to music or go out on a drive when you feel too stressed. JUST DON’T GO KILL ITSELF.   

(S/O) Happy B-Day to my Kool Keed BILO!

(S/O) To Naija’s Under 20 women’s team in the World Cup. Best of Luck Girls.

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P

Ok people; let me get focused…

By now you all have seen the disturbing news coverage of the incident in Ferguson, Missouri consisting of protesting, looting and violence after the shooting of an unarmed African American teenager by a on duty police officer. Typically when incidents such as these happen in America everybody in the black community is in an uproar for justice and the media capitalizes by running the same news coverage of looting, chaos and rage repeatedly to the point you become numb to it all. 

The only person that can remotely come close to sharing or telling you what that young man experienced that night before he lost his life is another BLACK MALE. Black boys have always been a target of law enforcement all of our lives, some encounter the police for the first time before they become teenagers. A Black man and a white cop is like Dennis Rodman & Korea, texting & good judgment, congress & approval ratings and Nigerians & South Africans, all these things that just don’t go together.    

It’s a shame that the young man lost his life this past weekend but his now remembered more for stealing than being senselessly gunned down by a police officer. This is the America I know too well in recent memory, the America in which it is open season on black boys and men the minute a pilgrim can justify feeling threatened or unsafe. But we all as Black men also play a role and should feel a sense of responsibility in the state we have put ourselves in too. For someone to value your life, you must value yours’ first. In order to command respect, one must give the respect. 

The subsequent actions of everybody involved after the killing will not bring him back. The coverage by the media will continue to be well crafted so the fury and rage can continue in order to boost their ratings. Young black boys will continue to portray the wanna be life of a gangster, thug and the cool lifestyle of the “uneducated negro”.   

Everybody Just Take a Deep Breath.

Friday, August 8, 2014


What’s really good people?

SUUUUUURPRISE you wonder where I been????? I been fasting noni. The first person to hit me up and let me know which classic hip-hop record that verse is from gets a price FO SHO! For the rest of yall I will make it much easier with this one, “After RAMADAN is da After Paaaarty”… Now if you can’t guess that easy one you are no hip-hop head my friend.  Anyways I truly have missed you all. I just needed to take some time to get my mind right from all the buffoonery and comical s**t going on in the world. So before I start to spit fire this week I need to give major PROPERS & Love to several folks;   

(S/O) To my “Lil Wizard” Abike – Happy 1st B-Day Baby Girl. P Man Looooves U noni.

(S/O) To “Iya Adira” Leora – Thank you for all that you do!

(S/O) To my SAFARI Team – Stay FOCUS & Keep GRINDIN’

(S/O) To my nephew ASH Breeeeeeezy – SUPA Kool Keed! 

(S/O) To my peoples Uncle Ricky & Family for ALWAYS coming through like a champ

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P
Ok people; let me get focused…

So you would think that a budding Afrikan entrepreneur such as myself was all in for this week’s U.S. - Africa Summit in the DMV hosted by everybody’s favorite over-rated President. It didn’t event dawn on me until “Mr. CNN” of Canada called me to remind me of what was happening in my backyard and by the time I got to the office, I meant when I finally made it to the office from all the traffic delays and my dear Ms. Runa aka… “Ms. News @ 11 of the DMV” was asking me about all the street closings and road blockade for 50 Afrikan Head of States then I finally was able to put it together. In the mixed of an EBOLA crisis in Africa, I find it somehow very convenient that 50 leaders of Africa abandoned shop and took flight to go smooze at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with Barry & Michelle. I even saw our infamous village idiot of a President Goodluck with his COWBOY hat doing photo opps at the White House. SMH.   

This is how Africa in recent memory continues to tackle serious issues head-on. When faced with a crisis, leaders in position of influence & power and people with money take their children and immediate family oversees and let the issues linger to the point that it penetrates into the fiber of its citizens. All the while these yahoooooos were all at the White House pledging with Barry a promise to work to get under control and isolate the current outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus and pledging to expand security cooperation with African nations in order to address threats of terrorism and human trafficking. 

Look you can go do your own research and background investigation but fact is the Ebola matter was deemed a potential health crisis as far back as March 2014 by NGOs on the ground and Global Health officials. Was there a strategic and emphatic response orchestrated? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO; why because like my man Sonny from a Bronx Tale once told Colageno “Hey kid NOBODY Cares. Nobody cares about anyone but themselves. You should do what you want because nobody cares about you anyway”. So there you have it folks, the state of modern day Africa and its disappointing leaders.

One more thing for you all to consider – if your butt is Afrikan and you plan on traveling anytime in the next three months or so GOODLUCK at any of the international airports you step foot in. Am sure you will WELCOMED with open arms by TSA employees, security and flight attendants. As if you were not already being frowned upon before am certain now that NOBODY is going to be a bit paranoid and scared for his/her well-being as you grab the seat next to him/her.

BTW; F**K ALL 50 of YALL…

Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.