Friday, September 28, 2012

Nigeria I will never QUIT you

What’s up people?

How fitting that I would have a mini Nigeria moment tonight as we celebrate our Independence this October 1st. I was closing shop at my headquarters and as I stepped out the building, there was Javier, Jose or Juan (one of them) pulling out his “johnson” pissing all on the sidewalk like it was NOTHING. I mean wait a minute; am I back home walking the streets of Lagos in my small little town? IDIMU, Lagos STAND-UP! So I say all this to make a point that you can put up all the $1 million condos you want in DC, you just be best prepared to know how to put up with the villagers amongst you too. Now on to more exciting news, this Sunday kicks-off season 2 of the best show on cable television Homeland. I just got three words people; Yum, Yum, YUMMY!
Ok people; Let me get focused…

I am really thankful that Nigeria’s Independence has snuck up on me this year for many reasons. My sole purpose for creating my blogspot from the onset and writing every week since my launch nearly two years ago was to promote and show the naysayers that we Nigerians have the same great human qualities that people of other nationalities are celebrated and recognized for. We come in many shapes, colors, sizes and possess the depth in intellectual competence that takes a back seat to NOBODY. This is something I promise to get back to as the core content of my future blog post in the coming weeks and months. Now; what we have done with all of our smarts and know-how over the years is very questionable and at times simply EMBARASSING.

Some people would describe the country of Nigeria to having a crush or being in love with someone. Nigeria is a type of country that will or has given some folks the butterflies; that knot in their stomach feeling; that I can’t sleep at night feeling because I just keep having him/her in my head feeling. I think the term is simply commonly referred to as being LOVE SICK. The country is full of its share of endless Disney movie fairytale endings. I mean where else on this planet do you have a village idiot with a first name like Goodluck rise to the most powerful post a country has to offer if not for his mere share of GOODLUCK!

52 years later and Nigeria still has a lot of similarities to raising a child. If not disciplined, given guidance and raised with structure growing up he/she will rot and never seek to reach his/her potential. When ignored for good behavior and only reprimanded for poor behavior the end result is rebellion and acting out behaviors. Human beings are a product of the environment they are raised in and the communities they come from. It is the characteristics valued in those same communities that young people grow up aspiring to become in their adult lives.  

Nigeria is also like any other addiction; if ignored and not proactively treated the same highs that give off the idea of invisibility will become the root cause of one’s self-destruction.
We must become the change we want to see. Gandhi                                                                                                     

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.