Friday, March 15, 2013

Body Language & Facial Expressions

What’s really good people?

We got big things POPPIN’ this week in the MY OMO NAIJA camp people. Am talking about grown folk BINNESS here; Black Love and getting my Sam “Ace” Rothstein on. That can only mean one thing and one word “VEGAS” Baaaaaaaby. Ahhhhhh yes; can’t wait to touchdown with the wife and get busy in SIN-City next week. The fact that the NCAA Men’s Basketball tournament also kicks-off next week means it is really going to be some March Madness going around. My only concern is figuring out how to follow the Super Eagles match versus Kenya while am away from home in my lucky seat. For some reason this next match has got me very concerned and worried. Most important rule you are taught in sports is to “Always Respect your Opponent”. UP Nigeria & UP Naija!     

Ok people; let me get focused…

I got to thinking recently of all the times over the years people around me commented or remind me of my body language and facial expressions and how it gave off one message or another. My first response typically is I don’t give a you know what…The body language stuff actually is fairly innocent. As an old running back; you ask anybody that grew up playing American football, there is one thing we all have in common and that is our very slooooooow gait and our need to loaf and lollygag when not getting beat on playing the game we all so love. Now as for the facial expressions, I can only attribute that to my strong Nigerian genes I guess. All my life I hear people over and over make comments about how Nigerians have these very strong facial features to them and how scary or intimidating we come across at times. Am like shoot that is good for us. That means you know not to f**k with us. Looool. I find all of it to be so amusing to be honest.

I personally feel too much is put into trying to gauge or read someone if these two behaviors are the sole criteria you choose to judge someone. My take is that we have grown so comfortable in settling on these indicators as a means to quickly dismiss people or cast him/her in the box we wanted them all along. I mean if we all were a bunch of walking stiffs looking to give off an image or looking to sell ourselves as if we were on a job interview life would be so lame and full of corn balls.   

I definitely don’t want to come off as trying to defend poor body language or uninviting facial expressions. I think they are important tell tale signs. I mean these same behaviors are the things we bank on when courting someone that sparks our interest right? And in the famous words of the so called great coach Tony Dungy, “men if she ain’t WINKING at you at 11:59pm she sure ain’t coming home with you at 12:01am”. BTW; I love that quote.

So clearly we can make good use of facial expressions and body languages at times to cut down on the work and haggle of trying to talk to a female. This just reminded me of one of my college years when my mates and I would go out and one of my homeboys always kept to his rule of thumb “I only go after the chicks that look vulnerable and look like they could use a hug” LMAO!

Ahhhhhhh; too be young again…

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.