Friday, June 24, 2011

So You Wanna Hate on Becky?

This is it people.

Part IV and the last installment of our battle of the sex’s series on the blogspot. It’s been fun, a little below the belt at times but always truthful. Now, I seriously doubt that am going to present or offer you anything deep or thought provoking this week that you don’t already know. But what I do hope for is to make you rethink your singular point of contention the next time you come across an inter-racial couple before even speaking to them. So you ready?

Ok people; let me get focused…
Not sure what is more dreadful for a black man to go through today, being harassed by the Cops for a suspicion of “DWB” Driving While Black or having to go through a crowd of black women with a white female by his side knowing that all eyes on him are straight up HATING just because he choose to kick it with “Becky” for the evening. I have seen this play out so many times when am out that when you make eye contact with that brotha you can see and feel the sense of shame in his spirit and SWAG. SMH!

First of all; a grown a** man such as myself could care less what Keisha, Shaquana and Daquisha all have to say or think. As long as “Becky” is showing me love it’s all good. You Digg! The whole I wonder what my friends will think or say is some middle school s**t in the first place and them hoodrat chicks do not offer me anything of substance anyways. Like I always say; Love iz Love! So why should it matter where you getting it from as long as someone out there is giving it back in return.  The idea is to have someone you share the same values, have mutual respect for and is willing to ride for you.  

So is it really “Becky” you mad at and have so much hatred towards or are you really kicking yourself in the gut because once again that dude you kicked to the curb years ago done came up in the game by staying on his grind and making something of himself. Do remember, when you had potentially a good thing going with ol’ boy, you kicked his behind “to the left” for Tyrone, Dre and Marcus because they were getting that paper and living that so called life. Now their a** doing 10 year bids for a strong arm robbery charge after sticking up the local Bodega. NWO!  

Now the question I pose this week and would love to get feedback on is why it is widely acceptable for black women to date outside of their race with very little backlash but when black men do it here comes the “sellout” label? Now that some bulls**t! I have yet to come across a black male that goes through all the dramatics of the rolling of the eyes, lewd and disrespectful commentary when confronted by the company of a sista and her non-black lover. But for many sistas that is the standard practice and procedure.    

By now many of you all have experienced or heard these stereotypes: Black women are angry, black women bring too much drama, white girls are uninhibited sexually and because of slavery, blacks have bought into the white man’s idea of beauty. The truth about stereotypes is that some resemblance of candor about them. And to compound things, it does not help when news outlets flash reports like we have more black men in jail than in colleges or the unemployment rate for black men is at an all time high. All this negative energy depicted on brothas only raise the frustration and dissatisfaction black women already have towards black men without “Becky” in the picture.

It’s called "OPTIONS" - So once again, are you really mad at Becky, Emily or Jen? Or is it more of the case of there is slim pickings out there to begin with and brothas these days ain’t even looking at you or your girls since they getting much love from other females who look nothing like you? I did some informal research and found out that less that 10 percent of couples in America marry a person of a different racial or ethnic background. As these numbers continue to climb in the foreseeable future, how is this necessarily a bad thing if we are suppose to be a blended society functioning as melting pot of ideas, values and beliefs?

The "CURIOSITY" Factor - this is the most understated ingredient in the whole inter-racial trend. Just like when we were children and were warned repeatedly to not touch that hot stove, our curiosity won out and we followed our instincts and did anyway. And as we get older we become bolder and reassuring of ourselves, black men perceive their actions as a singular behavior with not direct effect or impact on the next man or woman. Basically it’s the “I mo do me” mentality. Therefore, black women stop feeling disrespected or take it as shunning once race when you see a black man with another woman with a different racial make-up than yourself. All that brotha is thinking about is how much money, work and time will it take for him to get that “CUTTY” and move onto the next one!

Love Yourself First!

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Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.