Friday, June 10, 2011

Dating 2011– Top Ten Reason Why You Still Single

So after last week’s post on COMMUNICATION (Check it out if you missed it), my home-girl “Ms. E” got at me and was not too thrilled with my point of view. She wanted to know after reading the latest blog “Why Are Men So Stupid”? Now you know "dem fighting words" Right?

Let’s Go!

Ok people; let me get focused…

Hmmmmmm, good question but you see the thing is no men on my team fit that description. We the “Last of the Mohicans” For REAL! My dudes work hard everyday, take care of their families and build for the future. What is there not to respect about that?

Then it hit me, she wasn’t necessarily referring to my team of “Made Men”, she was more than likely describing the same small-minded boys many of you females still shack-up with. And I ain’t talking about “Big Shaq” O’neal either. Sorry Jersey Chasers” his engaged now so no applications are currently being accepted to audition for Basketball Wives. Loool…

This week I am going to to help you females get out of the rut that many of you have found yourselves in recently and give you some quick pointers that you can apply towards making a “Better You”.

No disrespect ladies; I’m proud of your hearts, It’s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works. Now time to grab a pencil and notepad because summer school is now officially in session.  

No B.S. - The best way to sum up many females today is this; some are real, some are good. Some are fake and some are real good at being fake.

Shut-Up There! – Why is it acceptable that so many “Thirsty” females out here always gotta let everybody know how they “don’t need no man to take care of them”. Really? So that means you a “Big Girl” and can handle it when I drop you’re a** then for the next female that knows how to keep her mouth shut!

Are We There Yet? - A relationship with NO TRUST is like a car with no gas. You can stay in it all you want but it won’t go anywhere. What is it going to take for females to stop judging men by their past? We don’t live there anymore!

Those Wondering Eyes - Love is like dominoes. I fall for you… and you fall another. That’s why I had to take him to the “Ghetto University” baby girl. Looool… Truth is ladies, “”How can you love me when you can’t love yourself?

It’s Gotta Be the Shoes – ladies be honest, a man can give you all of the above; attention, good sex, good love, compliments. But you would trade all that in for a nice pair of Chrisitan LOUBOUTIN.

Some of that “Thug Loving” – Ladies at what stage in your development are you willing to do without the “HYBRISTOPHILIA” fixation. Hybristophilia is the sexual attraction you females have towards guys that love to stay in/out of jail. Oh BTW; your man “P” got college degrees “Racks, on Racks on Racks” LMAO!

Always a Hater Around – Stop being so worried that people are watching and judging you. In reality you are too busy worrying about the same thing. Life’s too short to be spent on chasing perfections. Preeeeeach!

It Is What It Is – Am sorry; but if you got 6 kids by 5 baby Daddys, “Real Talk” ol’ boy was not trying to get with you because you were wifey material in the first place.

Best Advise Ever! Ladies try not to fall in love with every dude you meet. Fall from a bridge instead, it hurts less… This works I swear!

Still Making Promises –a promise is a promise at least that’s what they say. Well welcome to relationships where they’re broken everyday. Ladies please remember: you can’t take back what you’ve said. Think before it hurts others and harms you.

Make sure you hit the cut below for my girl Fumi’s response & rebuttal to this week’s post. Gonna be an interesting read.

So remember; the difference between “like” “love” & “in love” is the same as the difference between “for now” “for a while” & “forever”.

Contributions made to this week’s post courtesy Joshva.

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Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.