Friday, January 24, 2014

You Speak So WELL

What’s really good people?

Let us start with this is day 15 of 100, ahhhhhhh you thought I forgot huh? How you making out so far? Me, myself I must say I was killing it up to day 8 then came the snow storm in the DMV and it was all downhill from there. SMH. That is why this is a 100 day challenge; how you start, what you do/don’t do in the middle really has no barring but where you finish is the bottom line result. So you can do absolutely nothing for 99 days and have a fantastic day 100 you still TRIUMPED technically.

Now several people have reached out to me and really got on my case for not giving the people what they want on blogspot consistently in recent months, you know what they were right and I was being lazy. However; what I am growing to learn in the past three plus months was best articulated recently by my dude Marty Kaan in the television show House of Lies, In Marty’s words “you end up chasing every nutbucket across the earth hoping he might just might hire your sorry a**. If we land this whale, we feast on the blubber until we land the next one and feast on that blubber, sell the ivory till we land the next one and the next one, and so on, and so and until we get some fat; acquire some blubber of our own. But until that day, you do what you gotta do baby. You eat sick fish a**”. Right now the “P Man” is being forced to eat a whole lotta fish a** but I see me getting my hands on my first blubber very soon baby. Stay tuned.

(S/O) To my Lil man Ash Breezy for keeping me on joke time every day.  

(S/O) To Iya Adira for holding it down so I can go get that blubber

(S/O) To my brothers & partners we on to something boys

(S/O) To my Cuzo John Daniels for getting in that you know what this week

(S/O) To my guy Uncle Ricky for the pep talk

(S/O) To IDIMU Keshi the DMV is looking forward to your visit

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P
Ok people; let me get focused…

I had promised myself that I was going to mark the return of the blog spot this week by discussing something meaningful and of value. So let’s see what are some things worth exploring with the people?

Komla Dumor – talking about the very sad passing of the late BBC television personality who told and shared his stories on Africa with the world would surely have made my brother very happy. I personally think he got a man crush on dude the way he can just go on and on about Komla. So I will savor the piece for a later date.

Seattle Seahawk Footballer – talking about that corny dude would just make me end up catching an ulcer or popping a vein in my forehead. If I decide to write about this yahooooooo I think my cousin John Daniels would just be chuckling while sipping his glass of shiraz wine. But I can never write about a guy that disrespects my boy Crabtree. Shoooooo because of Crabtree the “P Man” is being forced to declare his winnings in fantasy football this season to Uncle Sam. Number 1 rule of BINNESS = Don’t F**k with da money.

What I want to talk about is this new hidden or coded form of blatant racism that I continue to see play out in today’s pop culture and news media when I hear time and time again on television the first thing out of a white person’s mouth is “how well spoken” he/she said person of color is. For some people this is not new information, for others this might be a revelation of some sort or your theory that I like to play the race card often. If you think I am making this up I beg the question please tell me(us) the last time you saw a person of color utter such words out of his/her mouth after speaking with a Caucasian. 

Here is the irony behind such passive aggressive racism that exists in America today. If English is the country’s first language, for how much longer nobody really knows everybody gets a BIG FAT F. From news anchors, sports broadcasters, celebrities, radio personalities, company executives, the English that I hear everyday from the moment I exist my front door and put in a good 8-10 hours day of work (ok I lied maybe 4.5hrs) is simply Turrrrrr-Ri-Ble.

Somehow there is this notion or perception out there that not being of color automatically gives you a spot in the good grammar school category. And being of color limits you to four letter words or only two and three syllable words. Let’s not even think about trying to conjugate a verb while we at it. SMH.

Anyways such is life in these good ol’ United States of America.

I am Back.

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.