Friday, May 10, 2013

Today's Mother

What’s really good people?

Off that top HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the wonderful women (GRANDMAS, MUMS, AUNTIES & SISTERS) raising these babies of today the right way. I came across a fantastic quote that reads; “a mother who is really a mother is NEVER free”. So TRUE! Fellas make sure you do right by your mothers, spouses and siblings this weekend you dig! I got a quick funny story for the people; so my dear friend and colleague was telling me about how she ended up in the hood of all hoods in DC earlier in the week for a job assignment. Now keep in mind this a city-girl at heart, a woman who swears up/down she will never leave the city.  Now the way she tells the story she was forced to drop off a client herself after DC cabbies refused to pick-up her client from the hood upon recognizing the address giving.  Now can somebody tell me the last time you heard of a money-grabbing cabby turning down a full payment of service in advance? I mean I do not know why the story just cracks me up as she shared it with me but there is just something about the hood and Afrikan cab drivers just don’t mix.

Ok people; let me get focused…

To all of my “Game of Thrones” followers, ask a woman who/what her favorite character in the series and unanimously they all will say KHALEESI. Why? The typical response is she is a BADA**, she don’t take NO S**t, she is STRONG, etc. These are all great qualities but just like in today’s woman Khaleesi choose her independence over the responsibility of raising a family and being a loving spouse.

I want to make this point very clear; I respect a smart, educated, hard-working and loving woman and it is our responsibility as men to step-up to the plate and start playing a more active role in the lives of our children. However, I can’t help but wonder the role the western feminist movement has played over the past 30 plus years on issues like marriage, child rearing and two-income households.   

I guess in life there are pros and cons to everything. Today’s mothers have the added pressures of not only playing mummy but also acting as part-time daddy far too often. Why this is I have my ideas and beliefs but will choose to keep those to myself for now. I will say that growing up the priorities for young boys and girls compared to now were very different and one could argue that the family unit was much stronger.

In some ways this helps to give a special meaning to Mother’s Day, an opportunity to celebrate and praise the fantastic contributions and sacrifices made by women from all over. It is true that everyday like many other hallmark holidays should not come down to capital gain or profit in order to received proper recognition and should be recognized year round. To that I pay my respects to all the women that have helped to shape and mold me over the years.

Thank you for what you do.    


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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.