Saturday, May 4, 2013

When MEN were MEN

What’s really good people?

Been a full week since we chopped it up here on the blogspot, hoping everybody made it through the week unscathed. So what exciting news does “P Love” have to share with the people? Hmmmmmm; oh heading out to H-Town on my spanning the globe world tour with the big brother to catch the SUPA EAGLES of Nigeria put in work versus Mexico at the end of the month. Really looking forward to visiting my favorite sport city and joining the rest of my peoples to have one BIG “Nasty Afrikan” party and cause major damage OMO NAIJA style. My peoples in Houston get at your boy and let me know where to grab some that good NAIJA grub too please I beg o.  That GREEN-WHITE- GREEN is so in me. Can’t Wait!  

OK people; let me get focused…

In light of all the hype about a marginal National Basketball Association (NBA) player coming out and the on-going debate of what male masculinity truly represents in our society and culture today, I for one just wish we could just hit the PAUSE bottom and simply ask what does still mean to be a MAN’s MAN? Don’t know if many of you all remember or knew this but there was a time growing up that young boys aspired to be revered in such admiration. Now I am not referring to the brawly alpha male type syndrome characters we often find in movies, but the simplest of qualities like Honor, Respect, Selflessness and Loyalty.

So very few people in general let alone men still live to value these basic human traits. Remember growing up as a boy when you were told to not disgrace your family name? To always keep your word? To always pay your debts? Damn; this “Game of Thrones” stuff has really gotten into my head big time. This though my friends is no HBO production, everywhere around you today you see very poor examples of males attempting to redefine what masculinity is and should not be. This is my blogspot so am free to speak and say what is on my mind unfiltered so if you do not like or approve this was never the place for you from the jump.    

In a world where everybody lives in fear and is so preoccupied with being politically correct all the time “Keeping it REAL” has become “Keeping REAL WACK”. People would rather hide behind their so called images, salaries or any material asset he/she is in fear of losing and just go MUTE. The losers behind all this cowardly behavior by adults are the children unfortunately. They grow up more lost, confused and in search of their identity all because adults failed them miserably. Correct me if am wrong but I was also taught growing up that adults can agree to disagree, respect but not like each other and everybody is entitled to his/her opinion.      

Looks like today’s adults are just like our politicians full of rhetoric and hot air. That is why I have always liked to be around kids as opposed to adults. A dear friend of mine told me the other night children no matter how much little or quality time you spend with them can always tell who really cares for them and will love you unconditionally. Hmmmmmmmm; once again it seems that the “Kool Keedz” of the world got a better handle on forming healthy human relationships than the farce that are grown ups.    

Kids know BEST!

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.