Friday, April 26, 2013


What’s really good people?

First & foremost of the top, RESPECTS to the men, women and all the innocent lives lost in the Boston tragedy since I last checked in with you all. I make this statement on behalf of millions of my brothers and sisters in ISLAM; our religion does NOT teach, promote nor condone senseless acts of violence on the innocent or anybody for that matter. We practice and adhere to the teachings of peace, tolerance and discipline. I pulled another Whodini act on my peoples last week and for this I apologize. I was called out by two very close people in my life on this recently and for this I make no EXCUSES. I must say since I been playing hooky from you all here on the blogspot I did manage to make very good use of my time by catching up on the Game of Thrones starting with season one. Let me just say as you all know HOMELAND is my favorite show and I will swear and die by it but that Game of Thrones is like a bag of lays potato chips “you just can’t have one”.         

OK people; let me get focused…

One thing I have always prided myself and kept as a standard all my life is the understanding of always finishing whatever I START. Where and how I came to embrace this tenet am not sure; possibly it was inherited, learned over the years or plain & simple that is just how God made “P”. What I do know is there is no room for whiners in my camp and I despise QUITTERS. It is just that every once in a while we all go through that lull or periods of inactivity. Maybe it is boredom, frustration or even fear of failure at times but the minute a moment of doubt slithers in we are all pretty much doomed.

So what are the list of things we often typically start but never finish? Let see how about all of them New Year’s Eve resolutions? The business idea that had us so geeked we were going to make big money but never materialised because what had happened was… How about that infamous diet that promised to help us lose 20 pounds in 15 days but after two days of eating salads and drinking cayenne pepper you were like DEUCES.

These are the everyday battles we fight within ourselves that can easily be corrected with a new found discipline, determination and passion such as the completion of an educational credentialing, marathon, and religious fast. Starting & Finishing is all about ATTITUDE. Do you have the mental fortitude, a little “Stick-To-It-Ness” about you that gets you through those character defining moments? The people we aspire to become that achieve high levels of success in their lives experience failure, adversity and periods of doubt just like anybody else.

To my surprise, I was treated to the Mike Tyson "Undisputed Truth" showing by my wife tonight (FANTASTIC show) and his entire one man show depicted this very same message. Mike gave a good example of how he was taught by his mentor that every great fighter that grew to become a boxing legend at one point or another encountered defeat and adversity before rising to prominence. It is a strong work ethic, great supporting cast and an undying spirit that produces greatness in men and women. This leads to truly ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things. This week’s blog is for those who seize the moment and run with their one opportunity for greatness.   

It is time to Do Something…

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.