Saturday, August 23, 2014


What’s really good people?

These simple English words are terms I just don’t get down with in my vocabulary i.e. fads, trends, & pop-culture. I like to use a more direct term like D**k Ridin’ especially with all the attention seeking behavior I have witnessed with this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge the past several weeks. Hold up; let’s back up for a second, I am totally for raising awareness and raising money for anything to combat illness, hunger, stopping wars, etc. My issue is watching people do something without doing their homework just for show to post on his/her social media timeline all in the name of “Attention Seeking”. I actually like some of the challenges and would have to say former US President George W. Bush had the best video thus far. Now the reason you will never catch the “P Man” do any challenges whatsoever is because I spent my primary school years growing up in Nigeria without any running hot water. The is the beauty of having options in life; when I had to boil water in order to take showers in the morning for school I don’t recall anybody promoting any ice bucket challenges on social media back then so why now would I want to volunteer for something my bones have yet to recover from all these years. SMH. Oya; let’s go!  

(S/O) SUPER BIG Happy B-Day Love to my partner for life IYA Adira!

(S/O) Happy B-day to my boy Hov.

(S/O) To the Falconets of Naija in the women’s Under 20 World Cup final.

(S/O) To all of the viewers, followers & readers of the MY OMO NAIJA blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Love iz Love! P
Ok people; let me get focused…

So today at dinner with my “black family” (HILARIOUS because this is what my brother J coins it) we got to talking about our childhood a little bit. Now have you ever noticed how some people claim to remember things from their childhood as early as when they came out of their mother’s womb and others such as myself can’t remember a thing as far back as yesterday? Why is that you say? Well the therapist in my “black family” was able to use her clinical training and connected it to childhood trauma. I don’t necessarily agree with her assessment but I also will not discount it either. One thing for certain is getting flogged & caned  in Naija’s old skool way of corporal punishment will most definitely create and cause some trauma in the life of a young person.

Truth is why do some of us love our childhood and why do others hate it? We can love it to the point that we want to recreate something similar for our own seeds or loath it enough that we do everything in our power to distance ourselves from the horror. Some of us that claim to have a perfect childhood and upbringing at times seem lost in their development as young adults while those of us that experienced pain and suffering use those encounters to fuel our success as men/women.

So I got to thinking good or bad, fun or misery our childhood like it or not and no matter how much we might try to shy from it as grown-ups, we all rely on it and use it to help establish our ethos on some level. The dreams and ambitions we hold on to as children often lead to many of our successes as well as the catastrophy that plague the minds and carry them into a very dark place.

Am I wrong...

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.