Friday, August 12, 2011

Lessons Learned from the UK Riots

What’s up family?

Don’t it seem like things were all good just a week ago? My peoples just touchdown from the UK, got to finally see (2) of my “Kool Keedz” and Nigeria had just won another group match in their world cup tournament. And then all of a sudden, it is riot season. How did all this go down? I have some thoughts. You ready? Let’s Go!

Ok people; let me get focused…

So I got to take in the news a few days back and came across a clip of the British Prime Minister talking “Real Reckless” when addressing parliament of how people will be persecuted for their roles in the recent UK Riots. That was until the Big Homie “A” gave me a quick rundown of dude’s bio. Come to find out ol’ boy is one of those elitist pompous a** pilgrims who comes from money, quick to talk like Liam Neeson in the movie Taken; talking about “I will find you and I will kill you….” Hold on Playa you not built like that PLAYBOY!

How come politicians don’t display this same sense of rage and outcry when their peers are ruining the lives of the young and others with wars – all while unemployment remains at an all-time high? It is very simple people, we are the suckers i.e. the voting public who continue to put “like for like” in office. The way politics and government is built and run today, it is people with money and influence who hold positions of power and authority who look out for self and common interest not the poor. Case in point, when Prime Minister Cameron learnt the riots were coming closer to the center of London’s elite property and commercial investment hub (the west end) he then authorized the deployment of 16,000 police officers, some brought in from areas such as Birmingham and Manchester were there subsequent riots going on. His claim was that they were there to protect the people; I say they were there to protect “their” investments.  

The issue itself is bigger than these riots. Simply put, riots are coordinated acts of many people. If they are coordinated, who coordinates them? Ever seen an episode of When Animals Attack on television? That’s what a riot typically reminds me of.

Question; how come when rich people riot it is to celebrate getting credited on their accounts for a pricing error at their local department store or arguing over a silly parking space in a wide open lot all because they believed they were there first and had just been wronged.

I have participated in a few riots in my day; the one that often comes to mind especially at this time of year was when I was in college, my peers and I would be fighting with the Bursars office at our financial aid office at the University of Maryland trying to get our aid money/check cleared so when can sign up for classes and purchase textbooks for the fall semester.

CAN’T WE ALL GET ALONG? The biggest riot of my generation that I can remember was the L.A. riots after the Rodney King verdict some 20 years ago.   Off course, you have your typical Nigerian riots back home as well when it is alleged that some type of discrepancy in voting for the general elections took place in order to determine the Presidency. So what do these examples I just gave you all have in common? POOR PEOPLE TRYING TO DO BETTER AND MAKE RIGHT OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SITUATIONS. The one thing that bothers me and still gets under my skin is when you come across people who have the foggiest idea or a clue as to the outcry and rage in their community but join in and participate all because they think its cool.

To understand riots, one must understand the causes of social rage, usually said to be racism, poverty and lack of economic opportunity. I think the answers can be found more in what is presented on television, the growing rate of broken families and the current general political bewilderment in leadership. Maybe it was happenstance but did anyone not notice during this recent UK riot, people looting for the prize of flat-screen televisions in jubilation rather than in agony and fury at the injustice of the senseless killing that sparked the uproar to begin with. It is extremely difficult to contest and fight for equality in our communities when people basically are having an excuse to throw a Mardi Gras carnival type of party.

So Mr. Prime Minister if you want to play the part of Liam Neeson from the movie Taken I choose to counter by playing the role of Denzel Washington in the movie X. And even though the ending was not in Denzel’s favor I love my chances versus your soft cream puff a**. Speaking of soft, who knew my peoples in the UK had it in them. All of my experiences with people from the UK have generally been pleasant and cordial. And at the end of the day the riots may have started out as a result of the killing of a black man who’s family only learnt about his death on television but people used this opportunity to revolt against the austere cutbacks, tuition increases and other painful cuts being made by the government. If this riot has taught us one thing it is that when people are hurting and suffering whether it be in Cairo, Tunisia, Yemen or even the “civilized” UK they will always fight back.

Let all those who are saddled with steering the ship of “ANY” states beware… Look out for your people first because it is those same people who gave you the power or be prepared to feel their wrath! But I guess when a man gets tired and fed up with the same peanut butter & jelly bulls**t everyday he reaches his breaking point.

I Stand Alone…

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.