Saturday, September 21, 2013

Group Accountability SUCKS

What’s really good people?

My peoples how far? Off the top I must say it is truly a privilege and honor to have people email, text and call just to say “P Man” why no blog this week now? What a fantastic compliment and position to be in that opinions right or wrong put before the world to dissect, ponder and grab like a sponge does add value to the lives of others. That is why it often pains me when I do not uphold the standard that I set for myself every week to compose something original to give you the viewers. Man must do better next time noni.   
Ok people; let me get focused…

By now unless you were in some type of wilderness or hiding under a rock somewhere this week everybody knows what went down here in the DMV after some YAHOOOOOO decided he wanted to play “dirty harry” and opened gun fire on 12 or so innocent lives at the Naval Yard headquarters. I mean if my old man “IDIMU Keshi is calling me late hours Nigerian time to check on my welfare from a CNN report then you know it is serious. Wait a minute didn’t we just go over the importance of lending an ear and support to your fellow brothers/sisters who may be having major life stressors and difficulty coping a few weeks back? This thing called LIFE no be for small boys at all at all. For the sake of full disclosure I am often by the Naval Yard and the idea of somebody I don’t know holding a job in which he/she is tooting around an AK47 like it’s a breadstick never sat quite right with me from the jump. O well that is another story and issue within itself.    

Now so here is what I don’t like about the aftermath of this selfish act by this loose cannon of a person. You can chalk up one more thing in our lives now that will never be the same again. As if 9/11 did not already take away the most simplest and basic civil liberties we grew up on and wish we all could just turn back the clock and have back all this numb nuts did is make it difficult for hard working people to secure government clearances and dare attempt to bid on a government contract. 

Hearing from friends and colleagues of mine who work next to the Naval Yard that they were restricted from leaving their office space and their building was on lockdown some type of code for hide for cover until after hours before they could go home to their loved ones is not cool. I had to laugh when my homeboy got on the phone to tell me he spent his birthday hiding under a desk for like 12hours at work on Tuesday all because nobody knew what was going on outside and he sure was not going out there to volunteer himself as a victim.

All these behaviors by the MAD people of the world are too similar to growing up with siblings or playing on sporting teams in which your parents or coaches often stressed group accountability. Now who till this day does not hate the whole if I gotta suffer we all gotta suffer peanut butter & jelly bulls**t we see in our everyday lives be it work, school, etc. Group accountability is the easy way out for those who do not want to make difficult decisions or are too lazy to think objectively in an environment where there is no accountability present.

Inmates RUN the asylum.  

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.