Saturday, August 18, 2012

Learn From Those Around You

What’s up people?

It is amazing how I have become a slave to my computer and mobile phones. Seriously, I was unable to access my emails and work calendar for five days and it was quite evident that I was a mess. I grew increasingly irritable and very annoyed with idea that I had to actually schedule work affairs on a piece of paper and god forbid make phone calls to people in order to communicate my needs and status on projects. Who knew that a planner and using the telephone to make calls were still viable options to consider in getting things done nowadays? I am now also barely a week into my Kool Keedz summer vacation break and boy let me tell you I am TIRED. Man my two nieces are wearing my old a** out and I have TWO more exciting weeks left with my favorite little people. And rumor has it that one more of my Kool Keedz might be making a special guest appearance in the DMV in the coming week. If/when my mini-me shows up, it will be an official Kool Keedz DMV TAKEOVER.

Ok people; let me get focused…

We all can learn so much from the little and big people in our everyday lives. I have always been a firm believer that the number one asset and commodity worth investing in are human beings. Rather than running to the local Apple store and turning it into a mad house for the sake of buying the latest iPhone or iPad, why not have that same enthusiasm and determination towards making a difference in the lives of people. Plus all that peanut butter & jelly nonsense will all waste so much money own purchasing always loses its value and luster over time anyways.

Family, friends and colleagues all have something to offer one another. The challenge is getting past the bickering and fighting in order to tap into each others strengths. And unlike technology and manufactured machinery that dominate our existence, humans do not require a rebate or a two year contract with a provider before they become operable.

Something personal that I experienced a few days back was the FANTASTIC exchange I had with my nieces in the mixed of making my morning prayer. The fact that they both showed a genuine interest in learning and wanting to part-take in the prayer with me was so awe-inspiring. However, that was already their in part due to the foundation built by their parents to value God as the creator of all things.

So where am I going with all this you may ask? Well starting this fall I have agreed to serve as a mentor/tutor on a voluntary basis for middle school students and work with them on their academics three hours a week. You know I never once had any thoughts of spending my fall volunteering especially when I have English Premiere League Football (Go LFC), College football and NFL football all starting up in a matter of weeks. But the irony of it all is I think I will be more focused on how my little mentees perform in classroom throughout the school year than how my fantasy football teams rebound from a miserable 2011 season. It is about to be on and popping, maybe I can help inspire the next young brilliant mind to do big things. Who Knows but like Mickey-D "Am Loving it".

Reach One; Teach One

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.