Friday, August 24, 2012

It's BACK to School...

What’s up people?
So I wake up this morning and check my twitter and what you know, some loony tune went off at the Empire State Building and started shooting at innocent lives all over some job related dispute. It is so true when I hear this statement, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and that folks is the bottom line. Then I continue to scroll down on my timeline and look it here, Lance Armstrong is now considered the “Great American Cheat”. Hmmmmmmmm; whoever coined the term “if you ain’t cheating – you ain’t trying” never lied. My thing is who gives a you know what dude really did cheat anyways; all the money and research his LIVESTRONG foundation contributed to cancer research and treatment is still worthy of praise and admiration. America is GREAT at frowning upon those it builds build-up I swear.
Ok people; Let me get focused…
Wait a minute, is it really back to school time already? Just like that summer is OVER again. SMH! That means back to school shopping, early bed times, crazy traffic, teenagers riding on the metro looking like they up to some trouble and finally the site of YELLOW buses.
Actually, back to school season was always fun for me I when think back on it. Who does not look forward to wearing their newest pair of sneakers, new wardrobe and catching up with friends on how they spent their summer break. Now some of us already know how a small percentage of our peers spent their summer…SUMMER SCHOOL.
The first day was always the best for me because we never got homework for like the first week. And all that nonsense about reading three books over the summer, “I was never on it like that”. The kids today you all got it ROUGH. I was only focused on looking fresh and seeing what new hot girls transferred to my school district or who got better looking in the span of three months. Hey, a lot can change over the summer break.
Those back to school jitters were goof for keeping you up all night before the big day though. Some of us become thankful that school is back in session, others dread the idea of sitting in classrooms, taking notes and doing loads of homework. School is meant to educational not a just a big social hang-out. Something that has stuck with me over the years is something my math teacher said way back when, “those same kids you guys spend all your time teasing and laughing at will soon one day become your Bosses when you grow older”.
As for me, “P” never been one to like school too tough. I hated Algebra but I loved to multiply, didn’t like economics so I studied HUSTLE-NO-MICS. But I always stayed with that back to school fresh cut, dressed to impress looking like a million BUCKS!
Go Learn Something.

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.