Friday, April 13, 2012

Ya A** Old When….

What’s up people?

QUESTION??? How do you celebrate a visit to the dentist office after being told that you have superb dental hygiene? If you are “P”; you go to the store and cop you a few bags of Almond Joy and TWIX mini bars and act like you 10 years of age all over again. LMAO! So am starting to believe my brain and mind has unofficially gone on spring break. I must find a way to get that motivation back and jump start this semi- funk I am experiencing these past couple of days. Now speaking of spring break, I just caught a clip of MTV’s annual spring break coverage a few days ago and realized just how old am getting and how much time just keeps passing me by.

Ok people; let me get focused…

My last big spring break vacation with my crew was way back when there were no iPods, iPads, iPhones, or X-Boxes and PS3 gaming systems. Am so old I remember the days of getting my first Walk-man, not any ordinary walk-man though; it was the dope yellow Walk-man Sport edition. I mean it was Irite, but I also remember my peoples coping me the first disc-man players with the anti-skip feature to take to school. I must admit life was pretty DOPE growing up “P”. I was the first in my school to rock the Bo Jackson cross trainers from the Bo Knows Series and the Reebok PUMP. I mean if it was Funky Fresh Deaf, I was all over it. TRUTH.  

All the while growing up, I also remember my friends and I making a pledge to one another to NEVER be that group of old heads hanging out in an 18 & over night club looking to catch a young tender Roni like those 50 year old dudes we use to see every time we would go out. I truly believe whoever told that lie about growing older offers wisdom and maturity LIED. Growing old SUCKS! Everything hurts without moving a muscle. I regularly catch myself complaining that I can’t understand the words in today’s music. Ladies; you too are growing old when you stop wearing heels and prefer the comfort of wearing a pair of flats now because you rather seek comfort more than height. And if you like me, it is a must that you get in at least a good two hours of sleep as a pre-requisite before you go out for the evening in order to make it past 1:00am.

Since we all will have that Brett Farve moment to look forward to in our formidable years facing us right around the corner, I decided to put together my exclusive “Ya A** Old When” list. ENJOY!

P’s “Ya A**Old” When List…

1.    YAO! When you and your Doctor are on first name terms.

2.    YAO! When you learn what the term “equity” means.

3.    YAO! When every new electronic gadget you purchase is given to your son, daughter, nice, nephew to show you how it works.

4.    YAO! Fellas; when you start tucking-in your t-shirt inside your jeans.

5.    YAO! When you have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it.

6.    YAO! You can live without sex, but not without your reading glasses.

7.    YAO! When you quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.

8.    YAO! When you proud of your lawn.

9.    YAO! When family or friends call at 9:00 p.m. and say “Did I wake you?”

10.YAO! When you learn where your prostate is.

11.YAO! When your secrets are safe with others because they can’t remember them either.

12.YAO! When your giddy about the investment in life insurance and medical care you are receiving.

Live Young… Live Strong.

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.