This is it people, the final installment of our four part series on Health concludes with a topic very dear to me and possibly some of you all. The very painful, debilitating, and sometimes crippling MIGRAINE commonly referred to as a headache. Now, I am not talking about one of those headaches you wake-up to after a long night of downing several rounds of vodka & cranberry at the club or taking shot after shot of your favorite tequila in celebration of some big occasion. Back home in Nigeria , my peoples can attest to what several rounds of Guinness, Stout and Gulder beer can do to your equilibrium. So you ready? Let’s Go!
Ok people; let me get focused…
Every man, woman and child has suffered from a migraine or headache at some point in their existence. Take a moment and think about the last time you personally suffered from migraine or headache. Was it stress related? Was it Hunger (I think this is my issue)? Maybe fatigue from working long hours? All three will remain facets of our lives as long as we have air to breathe, so we better learn how to manage and cope better. Did you know that migraine headaches are estimated to be one of the most costly neurological disorders in the world? And its cost is estimated to be in the billions of dollars per year worldwide.
Here are some quick Migraine facts:
- The usual migraine can last anywhere from 4-72 hours in adults and 1-48 hours in children.
- It is believed that women suffer from migraine three times as much as men
- Migraines still remain largely under-diagnosed and undertreated. Less than half of individuals with migraines are diagnosed by their doctors.
- Over 1 billion people worldwide have given testimonial of having a migraine at least once in their lives.
So research has proven that we all suffer from headaches. The usual throbbing pain somewhere around your head (front, back or sides). But a Migraine is different. Migraines have been described and defined by physicians as a recurrent headache that has multiple symptoms. The pain mirrors that of a headache but accompanied by dizzying spells or vomiting that makes the body sensitive to light, noise or smells. The magnitude of the pain intensifies to the point that it often leads to loss of time at work, school, family and household responsibilities. No matter what part of the globe you belong to, you will come across someone you know that has had a bout with a migraine at some point.
Common Migraine & Headache Triggers consist of:
· Caffeine
· Chocolate
· Alcohol
· Tobacco
· Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
· Allergies
· Stress
· Sleep Deprivation
· Bright Lights
· Strong scents (Air Fresheners, Colognes & Perfumes)
· Menstrual Cycles
Have you ever heard of the food debate about headaches? Apparently one of the most common triggers for migraines is aged cheese. According to Dr. Seymour Diamond, MD founder of The Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago , USA the trouble with aged cheese it that it’s high in tyramine, a substance that forms from the breakdown of protein in certain foods. The longer the food ages, the greater the tyramine content is. The Cleveland Clinic has warned against the following types of cheese for people sensitive to tyramine: blue cheese, brie, cheddar stilton, feta, gorgonzolla, mozzarella, muenster, parmesan, Swiss, processed Cheese. Other foods high in tyramine include processed meats, pickles, onions, olives, certain types of beans, raisins, nuts, avocadoes, canned soup and red wine. Obliviously, we are not going to be able to avoid all of these foods but to fight off a migraine or headache episode you can try some of these remedies that could help manage the pain better;
The Ice Wrap – Used around the head or neck, one of the most popular home remedies for migraine headaches is the use of ice wraps. Many stores and pharmacies sell these inexpensive wraps. It is usually effective at soothing the body and improving blood flow, which helps to ease the pain almost instantly.
Deep Massages – Such quick and easy to do treatments work best when done in a dark room where someone other than yourself is messaging the head and neck area.
Food & Drink – Some people have credited the positive effects of eating salty food as one of the fastest and best home remedies for migraine headaches. You could perhaps give it a try with things like chips or snacks which are particularly salty. It is also recommended that one drink large quantities of water, juices packed with vitamin C.
Have No Worries...