Friday, May 13, 2011

Start Today! Start Now! - Simple Tips to Keep Africa Green

Did you know that recycling one ton of paper saves 20 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space, 60 pounds of air pollutants and saves enough energy to power the average home for six months (Marc Swanson).

Ok people; let me get focused…

Consider this week’ s post more of a preface into the optimism that additional dialogue, continued education and new found self-awareness can spur on an attitude or approach that cultivates the continent of Africa better.

Living overseas all of my adult life, I have yet to still fully catch on with the importance and benefits of a Green way of life. I mean I get daily reminders both in my personal and professional world of my poor etiquette and lack of conviction for this lifestyle. However, I can say “I am a work in progress” and getting better with my understanding of the need to embrace this much needed intervention or life as I know it will be coming to a halt due to my own carelessness and ignorance.

Be it here in America, Europe, Asia, Africa or any part of the world you belong to, not making these necessary changes in our lifestyle will only contribute to an increase in ozone depletion and the deterioration of the ecosystem. I am no scientist with a background in Marine Biology but for the most part I get the basics and I do know things just “Ain’t” right with the world these days.

In particular; look at all of the natural disasters reported on around us. This only confirms my suspicion that we are as much responsible for the damages that are impacting our families, homes and communities.

So here it is, I did a little research and was able to identify some basic and simple strategies that we can use to ensure that future generations of children will be able to live and thrive without the treat of global warming impairing their lives.


  • RECYCLE – foster a home, community and environment that promote the proper discarding of paper, plastic, glass, batteries, etc… Just think about this at the next Nigerian or African party or wedding you host or attend and look around you and see all the disposable utensils not properly put away.

  • WATER– since indoor plumbing remains meager in many homes in Africa; VALUE, CHERISH and TREASURE it. Make the most of it by not running unused water down the drain. Simply put, “only use what you need”. Less than 1% of the world’s freshwater is readily available for human use.
  • FOOD the Wall Street bailout has cost taxpayers around $700 billion and growing. Yet, just 4% of the Wall Street bailout could end world hunger. Though the problem is often touted as insurmountable, in truth, global food insecurity could be completely solved by creating agricultural programs that would cost about $30 billion a year. 854 million people in the world – one in seven- do not get enough food to be healthy, making hunger the number one risk to health worldwide.
  • GENERATORS it’s simple people, use only when NECESSARY and keep away from children or hazardous objects at all times. I know you all like “P Trippin”! How you dey forget say NEPA dey take light now??? I beeeeeg… Look, I understand that using a generator is the only source of power for some people so turn off during the day when you are out & about.   
  • A/C – once again this represents opulence for some but you can be tactful and limit its use by shutting your blinds or closing the curtains in your home to keep out the blazing heat or sun that penetrates the windows. This also reduces the use of operating a GENERATOR throughout the day.
  • AUTOMOBILE – for those afforded the luxury of having a personal means of transportation, drive less or drive smart by walking more or car pooling. More than half of the pollution in the air comes from cars/trucks. Last time I checked, Africa has yet to institute an “Emission” testing program on all vehicles on its roads.
  • INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY – it seems that many Africans are the holders of at least (3) mobile phones. SMH! So if you have in your possession, a laptop, ipod or any gadget that uses energy in order to operate then only keep them charged for short periods. Do not leave them plugged in OVERNIGHT!
  • OFFICE SETTING – at your place of work or business, maximize paper usage by using both sides of the paper when printing. Especially, large size documents in draft form.
  • GOOD WILL - one person’s junk is another’s gold mine. When it comes to clothes, furniture or personal items of no use to you consider donating.

          We can do this...

Information brought to you on the blogspot for this week’s story was gathered from the following sources;

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Na Wa O (NWO)!

Na Wa O! - is slang or a pidgin term used back home in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that simply illustrates something unbelievable, makes you speechless or leaves you flabbergasted.